Split ticket finder
Say you’re travelling from Bournville to Reading for the day, leaving around 8am. If you just turned up and bought a ticket for that journey, it would cost you £147.80. Following this website, it would only cost you £44, for the same journey on the same trains. More information...
Latest findings
- Coventry to London Euston, around 11:00 – £25.30 instead of £30 (16% saving)
- Coventry to Crewe, around 10:00 – £29.30 instead of £49.40 (41% saving)
- Morecambe to Longport for the day, around 09:41 – £43.20 instead of £57.60 (25% saving)
- Macclesfield to London Euston for the day, around 06:33 – £319.30 instead of £363.20 (12% saving)
- Lancaster to Ludlow for the day, around 10:57 – £62.30 instead of £79.40 (22% saving)
- St Neots to London St Pancras for the day, around 10:00 – £31 instead of £32 (3% saving)
- Oxford to Northampton return, around 10:39 – £47.50 instead of £55.60 (15% saving)
- Westbury to Birmingham New Street for the day, around 06:00 – £84.20 instead of £160.80 (48% saving)
- Halifax to Llandudno for the day, around 06:16 – £54.70 instead of £116.90 (53% saving)
- Ely to Dumfries return, around 11:15 – £163.40 instead of £180 (9% saving)